Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wicket: An Introduction to WebApp building

Wicket is a framework that enables Java and html to communicate with each other so robust websites operate without hassle.

My Distribution

I have never done a full blown design of a website before this assignment. I know a few html tags, enough to link web pages, build a table, and adjust fonts. After working with Wicket it seems a html novice like myself can still develop a functioning. As an assignment I had to create a web page that implemented a stack. The page displayed three buttons and a form to take in a string. The page could push, pop, and clear a stack. Every time an action is performed on the stack/web page a table will display each push, pop, or clear.

One of the things I appreciate about Wicket is the amount of html is needed for the page.
<form wicket:id="form">
<p> Stack Input <input wicket:id="stackInput" type="text"/></p>
<p><input wicket:id ="push" type="submit" value="push"/></p>
<p><input wicket:id="pop" type="submit" value="pop"/></p>
<p><input wicket:id="clear" type="submit" value="clear"/></p>
<table border = "1">
<div wicket:id="StackOfObjects">
<td wicket:id="stuff">[stuff]</td>
The html code along with approximately five hundred lines java of code can create the following.

My approach to the assignment should have been more agressive which left me scrambling at the last minute. I started working on the task on Monday however, I was working on small things like adding a button. What I should have was add a button and get the button to do something. I could not perform a sufficient test on stack-wicket-danielma. due to problems with the build files. My build.xml and was not set up properly so I kept getting "cannot find html markup" errors for, which ate up significant amount of time. Learning Wicket does take some time to figure out. However, once you understand how Wicket joins html and Java together creating good looking, fully functional web pages should be no problem.