Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Next Phase

It's been almost 4 years since I posted something on this blog.  The blog was originally intended to fulfill a requirement for my ICS 413 and 414 Software Engineering classes at UH Manoa. 

Within the 4 years since graduation a lot has happened in my life.  But I will only focus on my career.  After receiving my diploma from UH I got a job doing tech support with the Attorney General's computer crime lab. I set my career path on doing computer forensics and helping put away bad guys.  About a year into my stint with the AG I get a call from the Director of Engineering at Hawaii News Now.  I will not go into details but the former DoE at HNN was my old boss and the station needed computing help.  In a nutshell the GM and my old boss made an offer I could not refuse the compensation was life changing.  Presto! I am the new IT Manager for Hawaii News Now responsible for all things computing at the TV station.  Fast forward to Fall 2012 the DoE decides to retire which created vacancies that needed filling.  Basically, I go from IT person to Assistant Chief Engineer almost overnight.  For students reading this because Professor Johnson recommended my blog as an example.  I have over 20 years of working in television that is why I got to Assistant Chief Engineer not because I was the IT Manager and was next in line.  In my current position I am responsible for all things technical which includes TV equipment and computers.

In my next blog I will layout how television and IT are intertwined.  The images that appear on your screen at home is due to software engineering in which a lot of the code is concurrent programming intensive.