Friday, February 6, 2009

Devcatlon: Review of mockup5

This a review of mockup5: Aric West, John Zhou, and Scheller Sanchez who did the same thing as mockup4 and mockup6, took mockup2's system and modified the interface adding their levels and badges.

The Mockup
The tabs for mockup5 link to almost all of the necessary pages. Could not find a link to their levels page and it had to be opened outside of the interface.

Navigating through mockup5 was easy and did not require too many clicks to move from one page to the next. With exception to the player registration and Gallery all other pages make good use of the screen with a couple of pages requiring one click to page down. Most of the pages are fit well in the aesthetic sense. The organization of the mockup5's layout does not deviate each page fits and makes sense. The structure is similar to the systems in mockup4 and mockup6 so the user interface does make sense and has an order which is not confusing. Like the input mechanisms in mockup4 and mockup6 none of the forms in mockup5 take in data. Because there is no database I am guessing all of the groups chose to not have functional forms.

Strengths and Weaknesses
I do not see anything that is particular outstanding out in mockup5's system when compared to other user interfaces built by the other teams. However there are several items I think should be included into Devcathlon. There is a run down score of matches similar to a scoreboard from a sports website(seen on the left). With a little more work in making the text more readable by giving it a little more "pop" I think this will be a fine addition to Devcathlon. With regards to the levels it is not as interesting as the level system proposed by mockup4 and mockup6.

While the cat badges are cute(seen below), in my opinion I'm not sure if it will be appealing to the average player. Seeing how the majority of students in the department are guys.

The pages look similar to the mockup2 system and it seems like nothing new was added to the mockup.