Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ICS 499: Devcathlon Event implementation and Scoreboard design

For the week of February 16 to 22, ICS 414 continues with the development of Devcathlon, get exposure to Yahoo YUI and JavaScript for working with dynamic pages.

Event Building
The team is getting an introduction to Event building this week and developing Starter Events which will eventually turn into actual Devcathlon Events. To help the team with the development of the Events. Professor Johnson created helper classes to get the team acquainted with developing Event code. I think the code for the Events is straightforward, nothing overly complicated, just a matter of sitting down and working with the API.

For NoMias, the class needs to retrieve the following data.
  • Track down the project, team, and team owner.
  • Within the team data, iterate through each team member, and extract the development time.
  • Retrieve the current time and compare it against each member's dev time.
  • If a member has not coded within 24 hours deduct 10 points from his or her team. If a member has not coded within 72 hours deduct 20 points from team his or her team.
Seems fairly easy the only hard part that I see is to extract each team member's development time data.

Scoreboard Design
I think Devcathlon should have a cool scoreboard something that looks like Yahoo's GameChannel which tracks live sporting events. To design something like the image on the right requires the learning of Yahoo YUI and AJAX. In order to accomplish the cool scoreboard I am going to take on Yahoo YUI and AJAX so Devcathlon players will have something groovy to track their scores.

The scoreboard should have been part of the mockup phase however, I unsure if it was something that could be coded. After researching Yahoo YUI I feel confident that it is something that could be implemented into Devcathlon and look forward to challenge.

My interest of Yahoo YUI was sparked by Robin Raqueno who was working on the progress bar for Devcathlon. I wanted to know how to get dynamic elements functioning in Devcathlon. I have yet to implement code using Yahoo YUI because I am going through the Starter Event development. I hope to get something up and running next week. During my research I found several advantages of Yahoo YUI.
  • Open source.
  • Portability across most web browsers.
  • Well documented.
For the past two blogs I used a table to show the time I spent working on elements for ICS 414 and 499. In this week's blog I will do a daily summary of topics I researched and coded. That way Professor Johnson can get a better feel for what I am doing with my time rather than just posting my development hours.
  • Monday 2/16
    • Edited ICS 499 blog to make it presentable. Worked on Hackystat implementation assignment, should have made a stronger effort having difficulty sorting through the API.
  • Tuesday 2/17
    • Worked on ICS 414 blog and Hackystat implementation assignment. Got Task1 to work however, running out of time to get Task2 to operate.
  • Wednesday 2/18
    • Start work on Event implementation assignment: logged myself into Hackystat for the Devcathlon project and took ownership of the "No MIA" event.
    • Start ICS 499 blog, within the process of writing the blog I am also learning more html by working with dates and lists.
    • Started research on Yahoo YUI.
  • Thursday 2/19
    • Continue work on the Event Implementation assignment: Researching KeepTheCoverageHigh and TestKeepTheCoverageHigh, starting to code NoMias and TestNoMias.
    • Continue research on Yahoo YUI.
  • Friday 2/20
    • Continue work on the Event Implementation assignment: Researching KeepTheCoverageHigh and TestKeepTheCoverageHigh, continue coding NoMias, added more properties to the configurationexample.xml.
  • Saturday 2/21
    • Continue work on NoMias and TestNoMias, its slow going, trying to fully understand what each method is doing.
    • Continue work on ICS 414 and 499 blogs.
  • Sunday 2/22
    • Continue work on NoMias and TestNoMias.
    • Continue work on ICS 499 blog.