Saturday, August 30, 2008

02. OSS.Experience

The exercise Open Source Systems Experience exposes students to working with open source projects. The task also makes sure we understand the three prime directives of open source development.

EasyEclipse is an open source system that distributes various versions of Eclipse with each release tailored towards a particular area of development. For example a Java developer can download an Eclipse IDE tailored for Java programming. Or a Rails coder will be able to use Eclipse without having to search for Rails libraries and plugins. The EasyEclipse version under review is geared for Java programming.

Prime Directive #1: The system successfully accomplishes a useful task.
At that heart of the system is the EasyEclipse plugin that allows users to add an Eclipse distribution. EasyEclipse is useful in the sense that developers will find it convenient to retrieve a version of Eclipse that is dedicated towards their area of development without having to hunt down a necessary plugin. EasyEclipse provides many tools for the Eclipse IDE ranging from web development to Java coding for mobile devices.

Prime Directive #2: An external user can successfully install and use the system.
Installation of EasyEclipse is a simple task where any Windows, Mac, or Linux user can install the application with minimal effort. EasyEclipse's help page instructs the user on which systems are valid and how to perform an install for each OS. There is also a FAQ page to alert users of common inquiries.

EasyEclipse is intended for an experience programmer who is looking for a powerful interactive development environment for their next project. Documentation for EasyEclipse is found by clicking on Help> Help Contents, a guide will open on the machine's default web browser. So access to the internet is necessary in order to use EasyEclipse's Help function. Within the Help function the developer will find how to set up and adjust the work area to an overview of Java development. Making the switch to EasyEclipse a painless task.

Prime Directive #3: An external developer can successfully understand and enhance the system.
The developers of EasyEclipse set their system up for anyone interested in creating plugins or making improvements for the next build. The EasyEclipse team maintains a CVS or Concurrent Version System where source code for the application and plugins are available for developers to make their additions. EasyEclipse code follows Java coding standards with proper indentation, naming convention, and comment. With some time the source code can be interpreted and understood so a developer can start working on a new builld.

EasyEclipse is an useful application for developers looking to make the switch to an IDE like Eclipse. EasyEclipse is well documented so any programmer can jump in and start working. The people responsible for EasyEclipse has done a good job at making their code understandable and available so any developer can jump in and make a contribution.