Friday, September 5, 2008

Lessons learned from Code Ruler

The members of the group who implemented the code. Erin Kim and Daniel Arakaki, Erin tackled the peasants while Daniel handled the knights. Erin did a fine job with coding the movement of the pawns. A link to the copy of the code. Results
dan.m.arakaki-erinjuneilkim vs Migrate Ruler508 - 14582 - 16390 - 4
dan.m.arakaki-erinjuneilkim vs Gang Up Ruler135 - 436140 - 433182 - 399
dan.m.arakaki-erinjuneilkim vs Split Up Ruler120 - 405136 - 392116 - 417
What did you learn about Eclipse I have been using Eclipse since ICS 211, so I already understand how powerful an IDE Eclipse is for developing Java applications. For ICS 413, I installed the latest version of Eclipse for Mac and found the editor to be no different than the version I used on my PC. I noticed there is a plugin called Subclipse which is a tool for souce code control. When I have the time I will implement Subclipse so I can get a handle on the changes I make to my code. With code control I will not have to worry about overwriting a version that I did not mean to change. What did you learn about CodeRuler I found CodeRuler to be a nice warm up for the semester. I wish we had more time so I can have my code defeat some of tougher opponents in the game. CodeRuler did open my eyes, made me realize that I have much to learn about Java and programming in general. What did you learn about Java For CodeRuler, I relied on the material that I was familiar with and did not venture very far into new territory. Java has an expansive library and I did not take advantage of the tools that were available. The reason why I did not implement things like Collections and List was that I found it easier to work a simple array to deal with the knights, peasants, castles, etc. Taking the path of least resistance is a habit that I need to break if I want to become a stronger developer. Also, I am already familiar with javadocs after having to properly document code in Mike Paulding's ICS 211 course. Mike would have the class write javadocs in the appropriate format or else major points were taken off. What did you learn about working with another person. In a professional setting you do not get to choose your co-workers and in the case of the CodeRuler exercise my first partner was chosen for me. I will not point out my first collabrator, Professor Johnson knows who this person is, I found their attitude towards the CodeRuler assignment unprofessional. I emailed this classmate after going over the assignment, finally got a response from this person after a week. Thankfully, Professor Johnson assigned a new teammate, Erin, and we were able to crank out some code. Erin was professional, communicated well, and delivered the code as promised. I wish I could have done a better job with the knights so I could match what Erin did with the peasants. Conclusion CodeRuler is a great exercise the application got us thinking about Java again and it was nice to have some fun with an application. I suspect that the next coding assignment will not be as much fun but I am still looking forward to challenge.