Ongoing development of
Devcathlon, we started mockup 2.0 which includes the addition of badges, levels, and more events. The
mockup6(old) group includes
John Ancheta,
Phillip Lau, and myself, at the 11th hour John came up with the neat idea of incorporating Devcathlon with the
Hackystat Project Browser.
Mockup 2.0
John's idea was to build Devcathlon into the Hackystat ProjectBrowser adding on the Game Master page, badges, and levels page. My Game Master page is an ongoing design which handles some of the scoring in Devcathlon. The game master should be able to promote or demote a developer's level and award badges outside of the automated scoring system. The goal is to be able click on a level or badge, along with choosing a player's name and the developer will have a new level or badge appear on their profile.

With mockup 1.0 the Game Master was more of a system administrator adding projects and teams to Devcathlon. It was decided, because Devcathlon is tightly bound to
Hackystat player registration was not necessary. To participate in Devcathlon a developer must be register with Hackystat. Sorry to those who wanted to enjoy the excitement of playing Devcathlon.
Thinking up a new event is difficult and requires heavy thought it is not a simple as it sounds. I thought it important to keep track of the ratio of development time and the number of commits. For every hour of development time there must be at least one commit to the repository. If a developer does not make an upload after coding for a hour they lose so many points and the point loss will be incremental as programming time increases. During a development an issue could pop up that requires the learning of a new language or technology. A player could earn points, a level bump, or badge for successfully implementing something new into the system. As students we hope the development of a system like Devcathlon will assist us in getting employed. I know of at least two local employers who are aware of the content in Professor Johnson's ICS 413/414 Software Engineering classes. Big bonus points for the team that gets noticed by the folks in the professional computing community.
Checkout the Events page for more information.
Badges and Levels

Philip is handling the badge and level design. A player will earn a badge after scoring so many points. You can see the detail of the badge system by clicking on the images on the right. For the level hierarchy Phillip chose a military theme. A level will be awarded to a player after earning so many badges. For instance after earning 10 badges a player will earn the rank of PFC.
Team Scores
Because of Devcathlon is still in mockup stage there are no builds to break or no worries over coverage at this point. The SVN sensor is not set up for mockup 2.0 so none of the commits are tracked. Team mockup6 had 3 team meetings, made commits, and spent time developing the mock pages. The point system is not set yet but I would say mockup6 has over 80 points.

The chart above represents the total amount time spent developing mockup6 on Eclipse from January 27 to February 3 which was a total of 5 hours spent writing html script. What the chart does not show is the time spent meeting and mulling over badges, levels, and events. Phillip and John probably used other tools that are not tracked by Hackystat to develop their pages. In order to score John's and Phillip's development they need to self report the time spent coding or designing. All of the Hackystat sensors are not in place so not all of the data is being collected for scoring.
Mockup 2.0 is moving the team towards doing some heavy duty coding. Devcathlon is starting to take shape, I am excited to get started and get this project working.