Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ICS 499: Healthcare Software and Devcathlon development

Last week the 414 team was given real Devcathlon Events to implement. I am starting send out my resume to employers and noticed that hospitals have a need for software developers. I have no idea what health care applications look like and since I am applying to a hospital I figure I should find out what is being developed.

Health Care Applications
I know the health care system requires the storage and retrieval of patient information. So a background in databases is important and I feel confident I can apply what I learned in ICS 321(databases).
The program on the right appears to be a diagnosis application developed using the .NET framework. After doing a Google search on health care software I found a lot of companies like using .NET for application building. I suppose I should be learning the .NET framework in the near future. Without having seen source code for a health care computer application I am not sure what to expect but I am sure the programs use the same structure and syntax as any other piece of software.

Event Development
I was assigned the Commit Often Event this week. Developing the application was a little easier compared to coding the Starter Event. I could have finished the assignment a lot sooner had I applied the unit test properly. I had set the time for the makeDevTimeData method to run forward. The DevTimeData needs to be created with time set backwards. Because Commit Often has a requirement to look back one hour and look for DevTime/Commit data. I got to implement a HashSet and HashTable where the HashSet collects file names and the HashTable track the number of occurrences of a DevEvent/filename. John Ancheta implemented an overridden makeDevTimeData method allowing it to take in a file name as an argument. I was able to assure CommitOften.java was able to read more than one file.

Development Rundown
  • Monday-Saturday, 3/2 - 3/7
    • Implemented CommitOften and TestCommitOften. I think I lost over 50 points for not making commits within the given number of DevEvents. However, I made up some ground by performing unit tests and verifying before making every commit. I estimate my score to be 15 points.

  • Sunday 3/8: Blog work.