Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ICS 499: Scoreboard building

The Devcathlon implementation continues and will consume my blog until May. I have taken charge of Decathlon's Scoreboard and the design is going slower than I expected. My knowledge with html and css design is limited but is getting stronger with the development of Devcathlon.

The Scoreboard
The scoreboard UI is simple in design, not too many elements that take up the screen. The left third of the page contains overall Devcathlon information.
  • On going match scores.
  • Links to Match breakdown(to be added later).
  • Team information.
    • List of team members.
The rest page of the page contains the details of a chosen match. Within the Match Details page one can see the breakdown of a match.
  • Time remaining in match
  • Team picture
  • Team name
  • Team score
  • Telemetry chart
  • Team win-loss record(to be added later)
The telemetry chart will be most ambitious part of the design. Because I am not sure how to access the data from Hackystat without having to login with every refresh of the scoreboard. I may need to design my own chart utilizing the sensor data. For those unfamiliar with Hackystat. The telemetry chart is a visual representation of the collected Hackystat sensordata. The sensor data includes development time, build and commit counts, coverage, etc. The hope is have a tab menu where a user can view a telemetry chart for dev time, commits, builds, and coverage.

The Next Step
The next phase or milestone of the development is to implement functionality to the scoreboard.
  • An invoked Event will put points on the board.
  • Display ongoing matches in the Match Scoreboard with current scores.
There is a lot that needs to be done to have a working prototype by April 20. So I will be working continuously until the Scoreboard is fully functioning.