Friday, February 6, 2009

Devcathlon: Review of Mockup6

the mockup6 team is : John Ancheta, Daniel Arakaki, and Phillip Lau we did two designs one that follows mockup2 and a new design that integrates the Hackystat ProjectBrowser see on the left and Devcathlon. However, I will only talk about the mockup system Professor Johnson was hesitant with moving forward with the integrated system because of issues with interfacing with the Hackystat server.

The Mockup
The click ratio to perform a task seems to be in the 2 t0 3 click range. The pages could use more information because not everything in Devcathlon is intuitive. Although a well thought out design should make all pages and functions intuitive. If a page requires scrolling all it takes the user is one click to reach the bottom half of the page. The only problem would be the player profile but that page may not make it into the build. There was an effort to keep the design as consistent as possible. However, because there were 3 different developers there is slight deviation with each page but the overall look is uniform. The input mechanisms do not work, I guess the consensus was since this was a mockup the data forms did not need to function.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Badge and level hierarchy makes sense, should give the players a reason to have fun with the system. I can see players getting into the level system where they will work hard to get their next rank. There could be some bragging going on where developers will start showing their "stripes". I think with a little bit of work with the format the player profile page could be cool and fun for the players. The displaying of the badge and levels will be like a Myspace page.

Even the project manager or professor can get in on the fun with the Game Master function. The person in charge of development will be able get into the action by promoting or demoting developers and taking or giving away badges. I think the awarding of badge and levels still needs to worked out and there be a consensus as to how players get their rewards. In my opinion level promotion is based on points and at the discretion of the Game Master. The badges should be awarded based on achievement and again at the discretion of the Game Master.

The Gallery (seen on the left) was a left over mockup2 but it looks cluttered and unorganized not sure if we should implement it or make a modification. Because I think a scoreboard can do same function but with the scoreboard we should keep things tidy until the user decides to open up graphs and logs. For the scoreboard we should use mockup4's design because our design (seen below) seems rather plain in comparison.

I thought our group did some good work I was paticualrly impressed with John's idea of integrating Hackystat with Devcathlon. However, complications with integration nixed that idea but I think Professor Johnson should investigate integration of Devcathlon and Hackystat for a future project. So kudos to John with all his hard work with his integration idea and to Phillip for the design of the badges/levels.