Monday, February 23, 2009

ICS 499: Hackystat framework and Scoreboard design

This week was a bit of a whirlwind for me as I was learning and working with a new framework to develop events in Devcathlon. Because of time constraint I had little time to work on the Scoreboard for Devcathlon.

Hackystat Framework
The class got a reprieve with the assignment event developing seems the learning curve with the framework was steeper than originally thought. I was able to climb that hill and complete the No MIAs event.

The SensorBaseClient and DailyProjectDataClient classes are vital to access data processed by Hackystat. The DailyProjectDataClient allows a programmer to peek into Hackystat data so one can develop events. Some of the data that can be located within Hackystat.
  • Development time
  • Build data
  • User data
    • User name
    • User email
  • Commit data
  • Coverage data
The fun part about working with new frameworks like the DailyProjectDataClient is trying to figure out how the information is formatted. For the No MIAs event I spent several hours examining the dev time and user name data. Because I needed to know how to set the subString method for the user name which is extracted from the Member URI. The user name is needed to keep track of the user's development time. I implemented a HashMap to store the user's name and their dev time. Through the HashMap I can track if the user put in code time or not. Using the data in the HashMap the event can be scored accordingly based on the development time.

The Scoreboard
I wanted to spent sometime working on the scoreboard for Devcathlon. Unfortunately, because my time was used to develop NoMias and TestNoMias. I did not have a chance to work on the scoreboard. Hopefully, I will have more time in the upcoming week to build a rough draft.

Development Activity
  • Monday 2/23
    • Worked NoMias and TestNoMias, misinterpreted the specifications of the Event, need to fix the code and test.
    • Research using
  • Tuesday 2/24
    • Worked on NoMias and TestNoMias, used the wrong class SensorbaseClient. Should use DailyProjectDataClient class to get dev time data.
  • Wednesday 2/25
    • Worked on NoMias and TestNoMias, used a lot of print statements to check how the dev time and member data is accessed.
  • Thursday 2/26
    • Worked on NoMias and TestNoMias, spent time working on the scoring the event.
  • Friday 2/27
    • Completed NoMias, TestNoMias, and ICS 414 blog.
  • Saturday 2/28
    • Fixed NoMias, cleaned up code, and added three methods to reduce clutter.
    • Worked on Devcathlon scoreboard and blog.
  • Sunday 3/1
    • Complete ICS 499 blog
    • Worked on Devcathlon scoreboard.